“Editing Zelda Fitzgerald’s ‘Save Me The Waltz’ and Sylvia Townsend Warner’s ‘Kingdoms of Elfin'” with Handheld Press (23rd January)

Wednesday 23rd January, 5:15pm, Room 202 in 4 University Gardens, University of Glasgow TLW and the University of Glasgow's English Literature Visiting Speaker Series are excited to announce our first event of 2019! Kate Macdonald, Director of Handheld Press, will be joining us to discuss her independent press and publishing new editions of Zelda Fitzgerald’s Save … Continue reading “Editing Zelda Fitzgerald’s ‘Save Me The Waltz’ and Sylvia Townsend Warner’s ‘Kingdoms of Elfin'” with Handheld Press (23rd January)

Transatlantic Style: The Ocean Liner and the “International Set”

Those of you who attended our launch on 19th September will remember mention of another exciting talk that we have lined up for this season. On Tuesday 14th November, Glasgow University’s very own Dr. Faye Hammill will be presenting ‘Transatlantic style: the ocean liner and the “international set.”’